ReplicaRubySlippers.com is a website where you will find the world's best hand-sewn replica ruby slippers, owned and operated by the creators of JudyGarlandsRubyslippers.com
We understand that finding the perfect ruby slippers is not easy. Over the years, we've seen a lot of reproductions by other artists and although they are beautifully crafted and their efforts are highly respected, there's always something wrong with them that doesn't look like the original ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland as Dorothy.
Whether the shape of the shoes isn't right, or the materials are different to the ones on the original ruby slippers, the problems that we've come across are never ending.
Any replica ruby slippers may look very nice for those who are not familiar with how the original ruby slippers were made, but for people with knowledge about ruby slippers it's very easy to spot the flaws.
That's part of the reason why we've set up this site, to show how we re-create the most iconic shoes in the world using the same painstaking technique as MGM Studios.
We hope you enjoy your stay, and please sign our Guestbook in memory and celebration of Judy Garland.
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 Screencaps from The Wizard of Oz (1939 color film).
 Judy Garland's Ruby Slippers is our sister website dedicated to bringing you the most beautiful pair of shoes worn by the most beautiful actress in movie history.
 Follow us on our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on our project with the ruby slippers.